#44 Whenever someone dies on my server, they respawn and fall forever and this repeats forever. #42 What are the worlds people created where it's modified to have cash and very different texturepacks. #41 no actually i was playing wow on WOTLK only 3 years ago? the pc was running wow on decent quality not with settings down. #39 In fact, 7 years later, because 2011 was when it became officially released #38 WoW came out in 2004, whereas Minecraft is a more modern game that came out 6 years after that, making use of differnt technology (opengl isntead of directx) i played it for a short time with my brother as a form of communication with him.

#36 WoW came out a long time ago when the computer you had was a "gaming computer." and it has not changed much since then. #34 Porchugal: It doesn't take much to run WoW on minimum settings, and minecraft is actually a pretty gpu and memory intensive game.

#33 Porchugal: When did WoW first come out? #32 There's a Download Now button to the right (in orange) and further down the page are links to download essentials core, or essentials extras #30 trollface1010101: if you look at the top right of the page there is a button named download now. #29 i can't handle minecraft but on this same comp with the same graphics card i was playing WoW. #28 DiskDaemon the page you linked are those theads or programs? There are no links. In short, I believe that the gpu is not powerful enogh to handle minecraft. You have the latest driver software, but seeing that the gpu barely meets the minimum requirements, it could be the hardware causeing the issue. #27 Yes, the graphics driver is the problem. its just shut off on me after a few mintues of in game play and i haven't gotten back on since. my graphics driver is the cause of my problem? i had it running on here once. #25 It's a modified Minecraft server that lets you use custom plugins to modify the game mechanics. #24 It's a modding system for minecraft servers

#20 DiskDaemon, yes, it's a Bukkit thing. #19 #smp might have some advice about server things that you might want #18 worldedit is a good one, same with worldguard
That's where lwjgl is giving graphics commands, which the graphics driver doesn't know how to handle. #17 No, java is not related with the problematic frame issue. #16 are there any other mods I should have for my server or that you reccommend? #15 DiskDaemon: Do you think Java could also cause a problematic frame issue? #14 I don't think that it's a bukkit thing. #13 Also there's a separate channel here for #bukkit issues. #11 It ads things such as "/help" to the text chat so commands i guess "Display Memory: 256.0 MB" The minimum for Minecraft is 256.0 MB, so that could be the issue. But your graphics card barely meets the minimum requirements for minecraft.
#10 You have the latest drivers for the graphics card. #8 trollface1010101: Is that a bukkit thing?
#6 where shuld i download the server "essential" mod #3 Porchugal, give me a few minutes to check the drivers and see if they need an update. #2 if you'd like to see the error minecraft gives me ill pastebin it aswell